How can high street stores compete in a digital world?

In a digital world how can high-street retailers compete with the 21st century’s influx of online shoppers?

Online shopping offers buyers the opportunity to purchase virtually anything from the comfort of their own home. The smartphone revolution has ensured that consumers have easy access to goods; at the click of a button a product can now be ordered and almost immediately dispatched to the customer.

So it’s plain to see why traditional shops have taken a nose-dive. The world and a customer’s expectations have changed, and retailers must make sure they make the necessary adaptations to keep up.

However, it could be argued that people still prefer to head out to a real world shop for products where touching and trying out the goods on offer is very important in making a decision to purchase.

This is where visual merchandising can become essential for retailers in attempting to compete with their online rivals. Providing customers with tangible and memorable experiences is crucial in tempting customers to return to a store.

Visual merchandising can be described as the act of promoting the sale of goods through the presentation of the store, in such a manner that will attract the attention of potential customers. It involves decorating the store and keeping the interior presentation the same as what is promised on the outside.

In combining the product, environment and space into a stimulating and engaging display, a retailer can encourage the sale of a product and service and enhance the customer experience in-store.

Visual merchandising encompasses signage, lighting, shapes, textures, point of sale and much, much more. It’s all about how well your brand and its surroundings tell a story through customer experience.

Savvy retailers understand that in order to deliver real value to customers, beside bricks and mortar, a shop should be a physical manifestation of a brand experience, not just a warehouse full of stuff!

The Wonderworks has worked on a number of projects including seasonal window displays which incorporate themes and props in order to attract customers into the store. These are a great opportunity to turn every shop window browser into a customer. An eye-catching window can pull in drifting customers who hadn’t previously planned to step through the door.

Getting creative and experimenting with different window-dressing ideas for decoration and displays is sure to position a high street store above competitors. A high street retailer’s success can live or die by how effectively they deliver the physical brand experience in-store.

So what are you waiting for? Create a display that will ‘wow’ customers and ultimately increase sales and brand following. See for yourself how you can increase sales through the way you display your products. If you need help achieving this, get in touch with The Wonderworks today.

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